2025 ARJE / ECE-RJ YOM Chadash

Imagine the Possibilities

Save The Date

January 22-25, 2025 | ‘Chicagoland’, IL

We invite you to join us this upcoming January 22 – 25 to Imagine the Possibilities at Yom Chadash, our second joint Jewish education summit and conference between ARJE and ECE-RJ. Our conference will take place in Chicagoland.

The Time is Now

The time is now to dream about and build the future of Jewish education. Our world changes every day, and as we absorb the headlines and note emerging trends, we know that our time is precious and limited. Yom Chadash 2025 will offer Jewish educators focused time to reflect, be inspired, and innovate through visiting and meeting with leading innovators and thought leaders in the field.


Yom Chadash 2025 invites Jewish educators who lead and teach in our early childhood, synagogue supplemental, immersive educational, and camp programs, as well as experiential and teen educators, clergy, educational consultants, and communal leaders to envision the future together in our Reform Jewish settings.

Participants will:

  • LEARN and OBSERVE from those on the forefront of Jewish and American cultural trends as it pertains to Jewish family engagement and Jewish educational choices.
  • PLAN for tangible ways that they can bring home changes in their daily educational practices or overall engagement strategy.
  • REFLECT AND CONNECT with colleagues by celebrating Shabbat together, as we lift one another up, and spend time with colleagues.
  • DEEPEN PROFESSIONAL NETWORKS with colleagues, friends, and stakeholders in the field.

We are excited to see you in January!

Yom Chadash Co-Chairs:

Sara Losch, Rabbi Eve Rudin, RJE and Mihaela Schwartz, PhD

About Association of Reform Jewish Educators (ARJE)


ARJE is the professional association of Jewish Educators who are connected to the Reform movement through personal or professional affiliation. We are a professional organization that inspires excellence through the work of Jewish teaching and learning in congregations, immersive experiences, after-school programs, communal and national organizations and more. ARJE members enrich lives by challenging minds, nurturing souls and strengthening Jewish communities.

About Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism (ECE-RJ)


Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism (ECE-RJ) is the professional organization and is committed to serving early childhood educators and leaders in congregational settings. We believe in elevating the professional self of our members through education, networking, and collaboration. We believe that the work of ECE-RJ increases the status and visibility of our profession and our schools within Jewish communal life, ensuring the continuity of thriving, high-quality Jewish Early Childhood programs. Our members include early childhood directors, assistant directors, teachers, pedagogistas, and experts in the field of Jewish early childhood education.