2025 ARJE / ECE-RJ YOM Chadash

Imagine the Possibilities

Tentative Schedule

Pre-Conference Programming


Tuesday, January, 21, 2025

5:00 PM – 10 PM (Central Time)

  • ECE-RJ Pre-Conference Learning Option (All Welcome – pre-registration required)

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

9:00 AM – 12 PM (Central Time)

  • ECE-RJ Pre-Conference Learning Option Continued
  • ARJE Committee Meetings

11:00 AM – 1:45 PM (Central Time)

  • Marketplace Opens
  • Sponsor Sessions

1:00 PM (Central Time)

  • First Time Attendees Welcome Lunch

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Day One: Yom Chadash – Setting the Stage


2:00 PM - 5:00 PM (Central Time)

  • Welcome and Opening: Imagine the Possibilities
  • Nosh & Marketplace
  • Intensives Session 1

5:45 PM - 10:00 PM (Central Time)

  • ARJE and ECE-RJ Cocktail Hours
  • Dine Around Chicagoland (Dinner out with colleges)
  • Late Night Fun

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Day Two: Yom Chadash – Crafting a Vision


8:00 AM – 1:00 PM (Central Time)

  • Breakfast (on your own)
  • Kabbalat Hayom (Communal spiritual opening to the day)
  • Off-site field trips by Intensive

1:00 PM - 6:30 (Central Time)

  • Lunch (on your own)
  • Intensive Session 2
  • Nosh and Marketplace
  • Networking and Affinity Space Opportunities
  • Sponsor Sessions

7:00 - 10:00 (Central Time)

  • Dinner (at the hotel)
  • ECE-RJ Organizational Celebration/ARJE Installations and Awards
  • Late Night Fun

Friday, January 24, 2025

Day Three: Yom Chadash – Planning for the Future


8:45 AM – 12:30 PM (Central Time)

  • Breakfast (on your own)
  • Kabbalat Hayom (Communal spiritual opening to the day)
  • Intensive Session 3
  • Workshop Option 1

12:30 PM -4:00 PM (Central Time)

  • Lunch (on your own)
  • Workshop Option 2
  • Networking Opportunities

4:00 PM - 11:00 PM (Central Time)

  • Shabbat Prep
  • Shabbat Dinner and Services with Local Communities
  • Opportunities to learn and visit with our Chicagoland Congregations

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Day Four: Yom Chadash – Reflect and Recharge


9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Central Time)

  • Breakfast (on your own)
  • Choose your own Spiritual Experience
  • Torah Service and Learning Together
  • Shabbat Kiddush / Brunch
  • Closing Program

After 2:00 PM (Central Time)

  • Optional Chicago Area Outings

The event begins on Wednesday afternoon with a first-timer’s lunch at 1:00 pm followed by an opening program and wraps up on Saturday at 2:00 pm with a closing program. You’ll want to arrive in Chicago on Wednesday morning or midday and plan to depart after 3:30 pm on Saturday.

**Pre-conference programming options:

  • ECE-RJ Pre-Conference Learning
  • ARJE Committee Meetings

**Optional Chicago area activities to choose from on Saturday afternoon for those who would like to explore Chicago.