2025 ARJE / ECE-RJ YOM Chadash

Imagine the Possibilities

Request For Presenters

We are seeking interactive presenters to facilitate individual workshops on Friday, January 24.Our theme for the conference is Imagine the Possibilities, and it is our goal for conference attendees to both better understand the trends, opportunities, and challenges we face as Jewish professionals engaged in Jewish education, as well as to be inspired and develop new ideas to address these challenges in our home institutions.

These workshops will take place after intensives and are meant to help participants leave our conference with tangible strategies and tactics to implement in their settings.

Our conference attendees seek connections to colleagues and thought leaders, as well as the tools to strengthen the Jewish future in their home institutions.

With your session, we hope you will provide our participants the opportunity to explore some of these meaningful questions:

  • What are trends, opportunities, and challenges we as educators should understand about our work and milieu today?
  • How can we use the trends, opportunities, and challenges to foster change or shift the trajectory in our home institutions?
  • What are some of the innovations and approaches taking place in the overall field as we imagine new possibilities for our respective fields?
  • How can educators plan to innovate and address these challenges in our home institutions as we imagine new possibilities?

Duration of breakout sessions: 75 minutes

Submission deadline: Priority will be given to RFP submissions received by September 8, 2024. The final deadline is October 14, 2024.

Compensation:  The ARJE and ECE-RJ can offer presenters a small stipend for presentations for individuals who are not affiliated with either organization.   If you want to discuss stipends before submitting the presentation, please contact ARJE Executive Director Stacy Rigler at [email protected]. We are happy to offer more transparent information about our compensation through individual outreach.

Eligibility: Proposals will be selected based on experience and expertise in this area, the conference theme, connection with education, and/or familiarity with ARJE and ECE-RJ settings. Please include any relevant experience or expertise in your application to help us determine how your work will fit with our conference.

*Breakout session content is not a time for sales pitches. Contact [email protected]  if you would like to promote your company’s expertise with attendees through sponsorship. Sponsorship opportunities can be found HERE.

Questions or want to discuss an idea? Please contact Yom Chadash Conference Co-Chairs: Sara Losch at [email protected] or  Rabbi Eve Rudin, RJE at [email protected]