Jay Rapoport, RJE (he/him)
Director of URJ 6 Points Creative Arts Academy
About Speaker
Jay Rapoport, RJE is the Director of URJ 6 Points Creative Arts Academy (CAA). Jay is a musician, filmmaker, writer, and photographer, and he is thrilled to support a national summer community for young creative people to pursue their artistic passions through a Jewish lens. Jay has served in a variety of ARJE leadership roles including serving as President and Treasurer of the Chicago chapter of ARJE (ChARJE), co-chairing the Communications Committee, hosting a Yom Iyyun, serving on several AG Planning Teams, and providing music for several ARJE Annual Gatherings. In 2020 he was the recipient of the ARJE Yad b’Yad Award. Recognition and Awards | Association of Reform Jewish Educators (ARJE) (reformeducators.org) Jay previously served as the Director of Lifelong Learning at Temple Sholom of Chicago since 2014, and prior to that as the Youth Educator at Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York City and as Camp Director at Temple Rodef Shalom in Falls Church, Virginia. Jay has served on the faculty of URJ Camp OSRUI, Hava Nashira, and Shabbat Shira during his time in Chicago. He earned his Master’s Degree in Religious Education (MARE) from Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) in New York City and a B.A. in Elementary Education and Music from the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. Jay is a composer and performer of original Jewish music, which has been featured at URJ Biennials, Jewish Rock Radio, and JKids Radio. www.ruachrock.com Jay participated in a multi-year cohort of Chicago Jewish Educators focused on Disability Inclusion in Synagogue Life. Inclusion - Temple Sholom of Chicago (sholomchicago.org) Jay has received ongoing training from the URJ in Racial and Ethnic Diversity Inclusion, as well as ongoing LGBTQ+ training with Keshet, and supports similar trainings for his summer staff. URJ 6 Points Creative Arts Academy is a radically inclusive summer environment that specifically embraces diversity of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, faith, nationality, and physical and neurological abilities in our staff and campers. Our Community - Creative Arts Academy (6pointscreativearts.org)