2024 ARJE / ECE-RJ New Gathering
About The New Gathering
Yom Chadash – A New Gathering
B’tzelem Elohim – Reimagining Belonging in Our Jewish Spaces: Exploring Racial Justice & Intersectionalities

We invite you to join us in Memphis, TN, to step out of your comfort zone in idea and action as we embark on this new collaboration between The ARJE and ECE-RJ.
Our theme is B’tzelem Elohim- Reimagining Belonging in Our Jewish Spaces: Exploring Racial Justice & Intersectionalities. The location provides the history and current struggles that adds context to the work we wish to accomplish.
At this experience, participants will have the opportunity to explore some of these questions:
- What does it mean to reimagine being an inclusive community?
- How do we prepare for those who have not yet come through our doors?
- Why is it crucial to pursue these conversations in our Jewish spaces?
- How is this applicable to my specific learning space and demographic?
- What are some ways to engage in conversations about justice?
- How do we teach about intersectionality without singling out students?
- What is the best way to create a reflective space where all reactions are invited?
- How do educators enact change in our Jewish spaces?
You’ll leave with tangible tools and resources to further explore racial justice and intersectionalities with your team and learners of various ages and stages.
This gathering is being planned for Jewish professionals who are educational leaders. While the gathering is open to all Jewish professionals, the focus will be on the larger field rather than practical tools for classroom teachers. You do not need to be affiliated with the Reform Movement to attend, the gathering is planned with Reform Movement values and traditions.
About Association of Reform Jewish Educators (ARJE)

ARJE is the professional association of Jewish Educators who are connected to the Reform movement through personal or professional affiliation. We are a professional organization that inspires excellence through the work of Jewish teaching and learning in congregations, immersive experiences, after-school programs, communal and national organizations and more. ARJE members enrich lives by challenging minds, nurturing souls and strengthening Jewish communities.
About Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism (ECE-RJ)

Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism (ECE-RJ) is the professional organization and is committed to serving early childhood educators and leaders in congregational settings. We believe in elevating the professional self of our members through education, networking, and collaboration. We believe that the work of ECE-RJ increases the status and visibility of our profession and our schools within Jewish communal life, ensuring the continuity of thriving, high-quality Jewish Early Childhood programs. Our members include early childhood directors, assistant directors, teachers, pedagogistas, and experts in the field of Jewish early childhood education.