2024 ARJE / ECE-RJ New Gathering
Request For Speakers
Yom Chadash – A New Gathering
B’tzelem Elohim – Reimagining Belonging in Our Jewish Spaces: Exploring Racial Justice & Intersectionalities
We are seeking interactive presenters to facilitate breakout sessions on Monday, January 22, with the goals of Listening & Learning, and Wednesday, January 24, with the goals of Reflection and Policy & New Procedure Creation.
With your session, we hope you will provide our participants the opportunity to explore some of these meaningful questions:
- What does it mean to reimagine being an inclusive community?
- How do we prepare for those who have not yet come through our doors?
- Why is it crucial to reimagine belonging in our Jewish spaces?
- How do I take what I have learned in exploring racial justice & Intersectionalities and make it relevant to my specific learning space and demographic?
- What are some ways to engage in conversations about racial justice in my educational setting?
- How do we teach about intersectionality without singling out students? How are we mindful of teacher’s identities?
- What is the best way to create a reflective space where all reactions are invited?
- How do educators enact policy changes around racial justice in our Jewish spaces?
Duration of breakout sessions: One hour
Submission deadline: Proposals are due by October 15. We will review all proposals and be in touch by the end of October.
Compensation: The ARJE and ECE-RJ are able to offer presenters a stipend for presentations. We have not yet determined the stipend and will make this decision once RFPs are submitted. If you have specific questions or want to discuss stipends, please contact ARJE Executive Director Stacy Rigler at [email protected].
Eligibility: Applications will be selected based on experience and expertise in this area, connection with education, and familiarity with ARJE and ECE-RJ settings. Please include any relevant experience or expertise in your application.
Questions? Please contact Yom Chadash co-chairs: Carly Cera ([email protected]) or Yanira Quinones ([email protected]).